Buyers and Sellers

Jesus told us that the money changers turned His Fathers’ house, the house of prayer, into a den of thieves. With their buying and selling of the paraphernalia and sundry goods of the religious world, they were using this platform, the Temple, as an arcade to conduct their fleshly missions in what they thought was their marketplace. It worked well until Jesus came around and upset the ship by turning over the tables of their would-be success upside down and setting this business on its heels. ARE WE LISTENING?
What in the world are we doing today that is any different? What are we thinking when these corner marketplaces, with their sanctioned steeples, and their unwritten code of fleshly ethics, are doing the same things? Why would God today embrace these factories called ‘church’, with their forums of selling the sermons in audio, bake sales, car washes, chili suppers, throw in rally for the youth, and advertise through the radio and TV, and then think that our Lord is behind their every move? I DON’T THINK SO.
Those that participate in these practices can quote every verse of what happened with the pharisees, scribes, rulers and the chiefs of the Temple, but have no idea that they too are doing the exact same thing. When it’s all about money, donations and collection plates, then it’s obvious to see that it’s all that coveted money. If they have to preach Jesus, the Bible, and their interpretation of scriptures, to get would-be followers to enter their doors and empty their pockets, so be it. But the results are still the same.
Now I know that these weekly Sunday meeting are important to those that are caught up in the system, to those that feel a need to fellowship with like-minded folks, and to those that seek reprieve from their guilt, but a greater understanding of this carnal method of mans’ flesh can set many free from the hindrance that this traditional religion; and from there, begin to walk in a relationship with God that is based on intimacy with Him.
The song about putting your hand in the hand from the man from Galilee somehow takes on a greater meaning. We’re no different fellers than the buyers and the sellers than they pretend to be.
Just a thought to think about; if we get quiet within we can then begin to see the mask coming off.

What God put together let No….

I stand amazed at the folks that think and believe that religion is the same as Godliness, that rites and rituals are impressive to God; they certainly are not. Religion, simply put, means method. Religion means that man is doing something that is to count unto his worthiness, and to that I also say that it is nonsense. All so-called man invented spiritual acts are an art of those that invent and participate in their many diverse forms of their godliness, in the customs of those that devised them. We have been sucked in by the many centuries of these traditions into thinking, even believing that the many customs of mans’ religion is supposed to strike God with attention and give us that well deserved credit; but it won’t.
What God, and His son Jesus, wants is a relationship with each of us, an intimacy that is very personal, an avenue to walk together in. Our Lord knows who and what we are, He knows far more about us than we know about ourselves, there is nothing hid from Him and yet He Loves us with a Love that is beyond comprehension. We don’t have to act right or perform to certain criteria for Him to love us, nor do we have to attend these fleshly arks or cathedrals that were invented within the carnal mind of flesh man; these so-called ‘churches’. The Church, with the higher case C, is a people, a person, one that is called out from among the world of craftiness; one that has a cherished relationship with the Creator rather than any creation.
When I watch these religious folks, which is an everyday occurrence, carry on with their sadness about a dropping attendants rate, or how their new programs and observances is bound to attract more customers, or if they only could spruce up the exterior of their fleshly monument, it makes me sick. Only those with this carnal attitude can imagine that God is looking for a vessel that is cleaned on the outside, but still within is filled with dead mans’ bones. There really is a sensuous form of godliness, but the power of God is denied; a way that seems right, but the end is destruction. Those that seek God are not boisterous, nor are they animated with their antics, but humble before men and God, appreciative and yet astounded of how personal God really is. It seems to me that these traditions of the so-called ‘church’ are more of a hindrance and stigma than they are of the forwarding God’s Kingdom.
When people get caught up in the rites, rituals, programs and formulas of these man-made institutions, their attention is drawn from our Savior and then placed on what man has built. God is calling all to come out of babylon, which include these ‘churches’ and their facade of godliness. They claim to possess the answer of Truth, and maybe they do, but it’s all hid behind the establishment of their traditions of the flesh.

The true marriage is between man and his God.

Just a little Reminder

The books that I have written: ‘The Two Trees Within’, Unmasking a ‘church’ in Denial’, the book with a funny name ‘ Hornswoggled in His Love, and the book that shows the tribulations and stupidity of a knucklehead growing up in the 50’s and 60’s called ‘The Man Within’; are but a small source, but needed source of what this writer has seen through revelations and visions that the Lord God has given me.
All of us want answers, and I am but a small fountain of that retort, but I have what I have through God that gives freely to those that knock on His door.

Please download a book or two and see if what’s said rattles a cage.  The purpose is to provoke thought, maybe even hope that someone out there would take this revelation further in the forwarding of the Kingdom of God.
Consider Jesus, He’s already considered us.

In a World of it own

With all the tragedies going on in this country and world-wide, it seems peculiar that we are confused and lamenting over what we can do or what the cause would be. This so-called institutionalized ‘church’ claims they have the answer, and maybe they do have it hidden under their logs of doctrine and tradition, but the message of the Gospel, the true message, has been obscured beneath their worship of the flesh. These powerless sermons and the outward rites and rituals of their so called services and outreach have been all but ineffective.
If we continue to keep our head in the sand, and continue to carry on with these antics of self-righteousness, then the world will continue to starve to death for the TRUTH and Power that reins in our Christ. It has too. When the flesh of our social clubs called ‘church’ take precedence over the Truth and Love of God for us, and our inability to stop following the traditions of the same-o same-o of the generations of the forefathers, which was of little effect during those by-gone years, then what kind of real change should we expect? If it was to be the answers, one would think that there would be a sign of it by now. If the power of the man-made ‘church’, and their willingness to carry on with the same fruitless antics, and treating their assemblies as a business to make money, then the spiraling downfall of that institution has to fall. It may be a fun place to socialize, but the folks are going home hungry for the unfed Truth each week.
These factories called ‘church’ aren’t going to change, and as of now, there are but a few of Gods’ remnant left to make much of an impact, but the Power of Christ truly does make an impact to those that heed His message. People are falling apart by the seams that man has stitched each generation together with; each generation is that much, again, removed by the growing immaturity of living for self, living with little regard or love for anything but themselves or the click they assemble with.
To me, it seems, that those that are raised in a third world country are far superior when it comes to respecting their family and neighbors, being responsible, and taking care of matters with dependably without laziness. These high tech gadgets with their mindless and endless amount of games are forming the intellect of many of those that will one day govern in our stead. The descending spiral of morals and work ethics are speeding towards a destruction that none of us want to live with.
The answer is out there, or should I say within each of us, but it’s going to take a little peace and quiet to find the true Christ of God that lays waiting for those that seek Him in His Way, His Truth, and His Life.
God, will you help us, even those of us that don’t know we need your help?


Could you even imagine that Jesus would embrace one of these theaters that carnal man calls ‘church’ and participate in their outward worship of the flesh, of self? I can’t. That is exactly what is going on on these stages, and done in the name of Jesus, and called ‘church’.
Come early and take your seat, whether in the front or the back row, say your howdys and shake a few hands and wait on the same-o ritual that looks no different than last weeks, but maybe with a different song, a different person praying but still sounds like the traditional last weeks rehearsed prayer. After a couple of announcements of the upcoming events to get you to come again, and flowers sent to each other in the form of praise, maybe a prayer request and an update on last week’s achievements, we can now hear a sermon that’s been preached a million times, in a hundred variations; and don’t forget to pay your dues at the collection plate. And still virtually nobody will remember what it was about in an hour, much less a week later. “We must worship in Spirit, for God is Spirit’.
Folks, we can’t figure out why this ‘thing called church’ is not working for the fog of tradition has blinded our vision of God. It hasn’t worked, nor will it in the future. It can’t. The Spirit of God has been left out and counterfeited by the fleshly worship of man and his habits, the customs of the carnal flesh building an empire unto himself. People may enjoy these plays that take place every week, but please don’t mistake them for the true Church that Jesus is building within man. As when Jesus was speaking with Peter, He shall build His Church upon the Rock of Revelation. Revelation is the opposite of tradition. How is something being revealed that been practiced for generations? The Spirit of Truth must be present for a new Word to be disclosed.
These theaters called ‘church’, with their spectators that I’ll call customers, are held together by the bonds of oppression, by the manipulations of trained men and women of the flesh, by beautiful steeples, padded pews, engraved pulpits, choir robes, custom made suits, and these non-communicating communions.
God is Love, and He Loves us all, even at these extreme failures. THANK YOU GOD FOR GRACE
They are seeking to keep their club house intact, desperate to do what it takes to entice their customers to pay for the performances and come back next week.
God can’t be bought with our money, our stained glass windows, our abilities, or anything else the mind of man can conjure up.

Heart vs. Mind, Soul vs. Spirit

There are misnomers scattered throughout all religions, but today I’d like to look into these, particularly one, in the religion of christianity.
I had spent most all my first forty something years within the confines of this creature call ‘church’; not to be confused with Gods’ true Church. This thing called ‘church’ that has been built by the generations of flesh man, and more or less based on the carnal mind that confused man could put together. This industry called ‘church’ is a far cry from that which God put together with His Christ as the center, and built on the revelations that were given to man seeking God who had no agenda of their own.
Not long after Jesus established His Church in the heart of those seeking Him did the pretenders and flesh-man want a piece of the action. Rules and regulations were soon instituted by the desire of the flesh to be like God; thus religion was born. Religions are all founded on a set of procedures that seem right, look right, but have little, if no foundation in Scripture; man sticking his carnal hand into Spiritual matters. The two don’t mix.
Let’s take a moment to look at one of these misnomers. The soul; the soul is mentioned many times in the Bible, but to my knowledge the soul has never been spoken of as being eternal, the part of us that goes to Heaven. The Spirit is eternal, as when Jesus said His last words; “Father into Your hands I commit my Spirit.” Our soul is developed by our temperament, character, demeanor, and the surrounding environment; and when willingly married to the Spirit, the twain becomes one flesh, thus called the husband and wife. In the case of Jesus, this is exactly what happen, but in the man of the flesh-not so much.
When the competitive nature of man, and his desire to be right, and his strong aspirations to be on top, and his objective is to not be left out, then the denominations of this thing called ‘church’ was born. By the continued rehearsal of repetitious inaccuracies of our fore-fathers, and the traditions of man following man, many matters concerning the things of God were distorted. Some were believed by one group, others by another group; thus many divisions occurred and the denominations were invented to settle matters within a smaller group. The men with the biggest stick and the loudest charisma won the lion’s share; but it don’t make it right.
Many things taught by the carnal traditions of flesh man have led many into believing a misnomer. But the ‘Good news’ is; there is always a second chance to get it right. Not by listening to me, but by an intimate knowledge and relationship with God.

Placating something?

What a wonderful time to be alive at this time and space on earth. The troubles and turmoil’s of this earth has not the strength nor the length of arm to reach within those that put their trust in the God that is truly in command; Almighty. Scripture says that this world is enmity to God; therefore it is also enmity to us that seek His face.
The world was truly set hostile to God when the fruit was eaten and the intimate relationship between us and our Creator was broken. Not broken that it cannot be repaired, but broken to where we now have to deliberately turn our face towards God in trust by turning our face away from this world. The circumstances of our planet may look dismal, but when we understand that when a sparrow may fall God knows all about it, therefore all the situations of our life, good and troublesome, are also within His care and reach. So why then do we devote so much energy and time into worry, fear and dismay? Why do we claim and sing for an hour on Sunday that Jesus is our redeemer and then let these circumstances that bring us down seeking some kind of redemption.
Having a relationship with the Lord is totally different than that which we are being taught in these man-made theaters called ‘church’. Apostle Paul said he labors to enter into His Rest; meaning that nothing else really matters, just His arms where we actually find Rest. Religion has placated itself so blatantly and for long now that it is beginning to be revealed in the hearts of many that it essentially hinders our relationship with the one that their words speak of but their actions don’t represent, God.
How could one find time and energy to set at a pulpit giving flowers to each other, praising the deeds of carnal man, reading off some list of selfish wants and requests, and sending around a collection plate and still call it a ‘worship service’. Worship is done in the closet, so to speak, and certainly not done to be seen.  Either we trust and love God or we trust and love ourselves, not both, for the consequences will end as loving one and hating the other or clinging to one and despising the other.
Many are now recognizing that our answers are in God and our relationship with Him, and not in these religious structures made pretty by the hand of flesh man. Jesus told us that His Kingdom is in our heart.

Remember: Consider Jesus, He’s already considered you.

A snake in the grass

In previous blogs, (the ones before this one),I’ve spoken about the morality of man and it’s escalating decline that has sent many off to an unstable and defeated life of want. The word Gospel in its self simply means “Good News’, The Good News as God has given it to us. Have you ever noticed that Jesus seldom, if ever, addressed the morality of man, and then it was to represent the Love of God and His eagerness to show them an easier and better Way of in a relationship with Him? Only with the exception of the religious leaders such as the priest and the Temple captains did He express any hostilities.
I have heard many T.V. and radio preachers proclaim that their system and program only preaches the Gospel, and that being straight from the Bible, but yet some of these, including the Gospel hours, still commercialize their program with advertisements of their own wares or that of their sponsors. What has become important to us? Is it our ability to capture a crowd? Is it a desire to be known? Is it our talent to sing or encapsulate a multitude of would be followers and take their money?
When we sell ourselves, our fleshly desires to selfishly see that we can make a difference, we then abandon the very fact that God changes people’s lives by having a relationship with them. These sermons of ‘Sally be good’ and ‘Johnny be right’ are more about ones lack of ability to understand that God is truly on the Throne and people can’t help but have their life changed by being intimate with Him. But when so many can’t understand a few of the mysteries of God, they turn to what they do know, hating sin. When we seek the face of Jesus, searching for those beautiful eyes of His, we are then no longer capable of doing wrong, much less thinking wrong, and are then translated into an area called the Kingdom of God; thus sin has no more grip on our lives; at least as long as we are in that position. It is then evident that trying to legislate or desecrate sin is not a standpoint that needs to be taken, it takes care of itself with His Love.
Preaching social behaviors and political issues in these man-made pulpits have no place in the category called “The Gospel” and could be replaced with the teaching of the Love of God. Love is what changes peoples’ lives.

Therefore there is a snake in the grass, call it a serpent or a viper, hidden as it was when Jesus called out the religious leaders because of their façade of righteousness, by their inexcusable excuse of what the Good News is.

Whether We like it Not

What’s happening to mankind? We’re falling apart at the seams. It’s sad to see what has happened to the honor, integrity, and morals of man in the past four or five decades. The very fabric of our souls has deteriorated to such a point that what was Truth even back in the 60’s seldom ever exist among the mentality of today.
I’ve said it many times that I believe in evolution, and those that are above the age of forty can easily see it, or they too are blinded by this world. Man did not come from monkeys, but appears to be evolving into them. The spiraling descent of morality is accelerating with each passing year that it may not be possible, in the next few years or decades, to even recognize what our fabric is made of. What used to be hidden or forbidden not so long ago is now proclaimed with pride from the house top or any street where two or more are gathered with the arrogance that we’re moving in the right direction.
When God said: “If my people that are called by My name shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then I shall hear from Heaven, forgive their sins, and heal their land.” He didn’t say this because we’re doing it right, but just the opposite. Notice that this statement from God was directed toward those that are called by His name. What part of humble, pray, seek, and turn are we missing? Why is the power and authority of such a statement from God, being pushed to the side, and shown so much disrespect while the worldly attitudes of those with a loud voice prevail ways as the truth, which it is not? Has His people been hypnotized into a slumber by all the bells and whistles this world claims to provide?
The world is going to win many of these battles, with its’ endorsements of the carnal and fleshly mind of man, but make no bones about it, God will awaken His people, those that humble themselves, pray, and seek His face, and willing to turn and change from their ways, and prevail with great power and authority. In the end God never loses.
I just reread the book: ’Unmasking a church in Denial’ and again can see where many may want to read, or reread it again for the first time.
God is truly Almighty!

The Bottom Line

Let’s take a few moments and look at the big business of religion. I could only guess how many billions of dollars are made annually by the selling of religion, or how much religious merchandise is bought and sold in the name of making money. Think about all the music, jewelry, art-work, videos, TV & radio programming, and the many trinkets and knickknacks marketed to any potential customer, and let’s not forget how many salaries are made promoting the Gospel with their tangible products. IT’S BIG BUSINESS.
The Apostle Paul tore down the trading of the goddess Diana and the silversmiths that made her images. (Acts 19:24) The first of the Ten Commandments is to have no graven images, but it’s pretty well known that that’s out the door. This, and much more is accepted in our society because of tradition, but truth is, it’s not acceptable to God. Just because the preaching of the Gospel has been a vocation to so many, and for so long, doesn’t excuse the fact that it’s plain and simply not from the Scripture as a way of making a living. Just the thought of getting paid to spread the Good News of our Savior, or making money off His existence, turns my stomach the wrong way. I always figured living for our Lord would cost us our thoughts, time, energy, mentality, opinions, our money and in fact our very life, and to make money off the Power and intimacy of Jesus would be far from what He ask us to do. (BUT IT’S STILL ACCEPTED AS ACCEPTABLE, IT’S A MONEY MAKING BUSINESS.) Could you even imagine the Apostle Paul passing around a collection plate with these crocodile tears in his eyes? He did take up contributions for a couple of impoverished cities, but those offerings were sent directly for their survival needs.
The profits made by these big so-called ‘churches’ is far beyond what the average Joe off the street can comprehend, and to build even yet a bigger outlandish building for their self-indulged egos is absurd.
If carnal minded man is allowed to continue with his fleshly self-promoting ideas and structures this ‘thing that many call church’ will continue to fall, it has to. There is no bottom to the pit that sensual man can invent in his imagination, and the devices used to lure folks into their web, that are yet to come; this is scary.
We were told in scripture to feed the sheep, not feed off of them.