Walk or Talk like a Duck

I sat here wondering why I spend so much time thinking of how this world is, and why we should despise it, until I came to the bright idea that: we, the children of God, are truly supposed to despise it. We are to be in this world, but not be partakers of it; use this world, but not allow it to use us; and although this world has a course set to teach each what they should know to live life to the fullest, it’s really the other way around – we should be teaching them.
The decline of morality has spiraled so rapidly in the last decade or so that many of these ‘things that call themselves church’ has compromised the TRUTH to find room to accept this form of behavior into their approval. The people are to be accepted, the morals they bring with them are not. But so many are so desperate to fill their pews, and fill the collection plates that they lost the true reason why they are there to begin with: to teach the Love and relationship that we can have with God. So instead of being a part of the solution of the worldliness of ethics, they become enablers, the problem.
You have to look high and wide to find the integrity, honor, and distinction that only a several decades ago were commonplace. Why is this so? I remember forty years or so that the news was broadcast that fifty-two percent of married couples have had a divorce. Of course, I thought to myself, so many without God and living according to their feelings and seeking their own gusto could do no different. Within three months another announcement was made by some religious organization that the church, (with a lower case c), confirmed that within the christian world we has now reached a divorce rate of fifty-two percent.
How are we different if we’re the same? How do we walk like a duck, quack like a duck, and dress like a duck and then claim not to be a duck? How, or why, have we compromised Gods’ standards and principles, and so quickly have accepted the worlds’? What happened that swayed folks in a ministry to accept and undertake this babylonian attitude unless it was to reach,( and I really mean to say sway), many more would-be folks to join their ranks and donate their money. THIS IS NOT WHAT IT SHOULD BE ALL ABOUT. But it is.
Again, it saddens me to see those that are called by His name look so much like that in which we should be running from.

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